Unilock PAD-I

Access control and security in a single padlock.

Open, close, manage users, access offline, share access, and much more with Promont solutions.
Unlimited Users
Dual Key Encryption
Without Wake-Up Button
High Mechanical Robustness

Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth technology allows you to securely and completely offline open the padlock. By using our RedSquare® app for Android or iOS, you can carry your virtual keys with you.

Armored Padlock

Padlock manufactured with high-strength materials, featuring a solid and robust design, resistant to infiltrations, impacts, and tampering attempts. Ensuring maximum security for the installed location.
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Verticals that utilize


Enhance security with Bluetooth and IoT access control system. Protection for students, employees, and premises.


Precise access control in critical areas such as the gym floor and locker rooms to prevent thefts and assaults.


Enhance security in sensitive areas such as sanctuaries with advanced access control methods.

Data Centers

Maintain security in server rooms and sensitive areas, preventing data theft and physical damage.


Control access to critical areas and track movements to detect suspicious activities.


Improve agribusiness operations by controlling access to silos and facilities.
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