Unilock COVER

Easy, Secure, and Connected: Real-time access control for any scenario

The Unilock Cover IoT Device with integrated multisensors, IoT-LPWAN connection, and independent access control
Online Alarms with IoT-LPWAN
Protection: IP68
High resistance to vandalism
5 different and independent alarms

Technology and Versatility

The Unilock Cover IoT device provides a versatile solution for access control and monitoring in various scenarios. Equipped with multisensors and IoT-LPWAN technology, it continuously monitors the device’s position, offering sabotage detection and sending alarms to an online monitoring platform.

Through the RedSquare app, it provides individual identification and autonomous operation, even in locations without internet connection. This innovation is not limited to gallery covers but extends to different environments requiring device movement monitoring, redefining security standards for a variety of applications.

Operation in Gallery Covers

The Unilock Cover operates efficiently for authorized access, using a virtual key in the RedSquare App, which triggers authorized access alarms and “Gallery cover open” when removing the cover. In unauthorized access situations, removing the cover without disabling the device generates immediate vandalism and cover open alarms through the LPWAN network, persisting even with the cover closed until human intervention.

Additionally, the Unilock Cover, integrated into the Unilock ecosystem, offers versatility by connecting with various platforms and devices, such as cameras and fog machines, expanding its security capabilities.
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